Sunday, October 1, 2023
A couple items have been updated on my pages. Hoping to do some designing and get back to challenges/tagging. My energy hasn't been there. Had a doctors appointment and it looks like my thyroid is over active at too high a dose, so a decrease was ordered. It might explain why I lost another 6 pounds!, this is the lowest at 138 pounds. At 4 11 in height, it's rather odd that this is happening at age 52, or isn't it? 
If you check out my blog profile, you'll see a couple links that say Layouts. Been experimenting with some and maybe create some others in the future? Take a peek if you're interested. 


Jewels-4580A Jewels240218-xmas-siu-AI-ava PGCAutumnLeavesAJewelsBuzzy-vi Lin-Hammond-Soulsav-Jewels Jewels-wsfavy AAnti-Shop-J Lin-Candini-Pink-Gothav-Jewels Jewels-htavy

My Blinkies

Download Tips

Be sure you're getting the right size of your downloaded images by: click the image first then right click, open in new image tab to view full size. Masks are 800x800.


All of my items are personal use only, NO Commercial usage allowed. All I ask is a redirect to my design blog; right click a blinkie of choice above and use the following url: tags made by me are NOT to be snagged or shared to social media. Designs created in full compliance of copyright. Any resemblance to others is purely coincidental.



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